Objects A-Z

Objects: Categorised

Object Description
ActiveXContainer represents the application hosting a Dyalog APL ActiveXControl
ActiveXControl implements an ActiveX control written in Dyalog APL
Animation plays simple AVIs
Bitmap can be used to fill an area, or as a background pattern
BrowseBox allows the user to browse for a folder or other resource
Button used to perform a task or select an option
ButtonEdit single-line input field with custom button
Calendar displays a month calendar control
Circle draws circles, arcs and pies
Clipboard provides access to the Windows clipboard
ColorButton allows the user to select a colour
Combo combines text entry field with list of choices
ComboEx an extended version of the Combo object that provides additional features including item images
CoolBand represents a band in a CoolBar
CoolBar acts as a container for CoolBand objects
Cursor creates user-defined cursor
DateTimePicker an editable date/time field with an optional drop-down Calendar
Edit single or multi-line edit box for entering data
Ellipse draws ellipses, elliptical arcs and pies
FileBox standard File Selection dialog box
Font a font resource
Form window that acts as a container for other objects
Grid spreadsheet object for editing data
Group used to group a related set of controls together visually, and to impose "radio-button" behaviour
HTMLRenderer displays HTML content
Icon can be displayed, or used when a Form  is minimized
Image graphical object for displaying bitmaps and icons
ImageList specifies a collection of bitmaps or icons for a ListView  or TreeView
Label fixed text that the user cannot change
List list of items from which the user can choose
ListView collection of items from which the user can choose
Locator moving line, rectangle or ellipse for graphics input
Marker draws marker at a series of points
MDIClient provides Multiple Document Interface (MDI) behaviour
Menu displays a pulldown or pop-up menu
MenuBar displays list of pulldown menus across top of Form
MenuItem component of a Menu that performs action or makes choice
Metafile provides access to Windows Metafiles
MsgBox displays message in dialog box and waits for response
NetClient Provides access to .NET Classes
NetControl Provides access to .NET controls.
NetType Exports a namespace as a .NET class
OCXClass provides access to OLE Custom Controls
OLEClient provides access to OLE Automation objects
OLEServer enables APL to act as an OLE Automation server
Poly draws lines, polygons and filled areas
Printer controls output to a printer
ProgressBar indicates the progress of a lengthy operation
PropertyPage tabbed or paged container for other controls
PropertySheet container for PropertyPages
Rect draws filled and unfilled rectangles
RichEdit an edit box with word-processing capabilities
Root the system object that is the progenitor of all others
Scroll horizontal or vertical scrollbar
Separator horizontal or vertical line in Menu, or vertical break in MenuBar
SM allows ⎕SM and ⎕SR to be used with GUI objects
Spinner input field with spin buttons
Splitter divides a Form or SubForm into resizable panes
Static frame or box used to contain graphics
StatusBar manages a set of StatusField  objects
StatusField displays context-sensitive help, or keyboard status
SubForm child Form that is constrained within its parent
SysTrayItem represents an item that you can create in the Windows system tray
TabBar manages a set of TabBtn objects
TabBtn brings forward an associated SubForm
TabButton represents a tab or button in a TabControl
TabControl represents the standard Windows tab control
TCPSocket provides an interface to TCP/IP sockets
Text displays or prints arbitrary text
Timer generates events at regular intervals
TipField displays pop-up context-sensitive help
ToolBar manages a block of controls including Buttons
ToolButton represents a or button in a ToolControl
ToolControl represents the standard Windows tool control
TrackBar slider control for analogue input/output
TreeView displays a hierarchical list of items
UpDown a pair of arrow buttons